Didn't do anything in the garden, but did a bit in the garage.
I'm going to put a new consumer unit in it.
It's for the garage and what was the room in which I had my koi pool filters, so a lot of electrical stuff, 2 pumps, UV, air pump, quarantine tank pump, air pumps, heaters.
This one.
I'll remove some of the sockets which were all in use when we had the pool, but are no longer required.
There'll now be be four breakers, for the power, lighting, water heater and garden lighting.
The shed and the tea-house are on a separate supply from the RCCB connected to the main fuse box.
I've mounted the consumer unit on a piece of Contiplas and drilled all the necessary holes for cables. I've to mount this on the garage wall tomorrow on spacers so the wires can come in from the back. On the same board will be the sockets for the garden lighting and the two transformers for the fountain and it's low voltage spotlight. I like the garden lighting on sockets, it's mostly low voltage, on 4 transformers, only three mains coach lamps, so I can ring any changes I want without any "hard wiring."
I'll rig up a temporary power supply to the two freezers and my Budweiser fridge from an extension plugged into a shed socket, the cable can pass through the window between the two rooms. Should be all done over the week-end.