We've not had any "serious" rain for well over a week. I've been watering the beds with the leaky hose system and the pots nightly. But I've not had the lawn sprinklers on for two days, as it was time to bring out "old faithful."
My Black & Decker "lawnraker," I bought in 1986. It wasn't expensive and is an example of how much better "appliances" were made, back then, compared with some of the stuff we've had in recent times and their catalogue of faults. Of course it doesn't get as much use as a mower, but "inactivity" as as bad for such things as too much use.
It's seen off several lawnmowers in its time.
I gave the lawn a good scarify, I always put it on the middle setting. Now is the ideal time to do it as with the ground being only slightly damp from the dew each morning, it doesn't pull out clumps as it would if it were wet.
It doubles as a leaf collector in the Autumn on a high setting. It doesn't get that much use but I give it a clean and take the belt cover off and oil the mechanism before I put it away.
It's had a new belt in its time, but they are still available at around ten quid.
I then gave the lawn a good mow and I've turned on the sprinklers.