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When I was growing up in the 80s, our place was covered with apple trees that were planted by my papaw and his father many moons ago. They were mainly a small golden delicious and what my parents called June apple. I can still remember the smell like it was yesterday walking home from school of the June apple trees.
I've got several golden delicious and June trees now but they taste nothing like the old-time ones planted by my papaw.
If I could get old-time apple trees that taste like they did, I'd have them growing everywhere.
Maybe it is this:?
Yellow transparent apple trees
- Originated from Russia in 1870.
- Also known as White Transparent or Grand Sultan.
- Produces medium to large apples with a transparent pale yellow skin.
- Early-ripening, crisp, light, and sweet.
- Very winter-hardy.
- A mutation called Perrine Yellow Transparent was discovered in Centralia, Illinois, which is larger, has better flavor, and ripens even earlier than the original Yellow Transparent