WOW; retirement at last being able to do what I want to do rather than what I have to do. If only the weather was as glorious as this the year round I'd never moan about it again.
I did the usual three supermarkets first thing this morning back home by 8:30. By 10:30 I had been grafting raking the soil I had rotavated removing more debris but the soil is now brilliant and so light. I then did a bit of woodturning bringing me up to dinner time.
After dinner I resumed woodturning until our neighbours gardener Paul popped round for a natter; Paul is excellent at gardening but is being messed around and ripped off by the guy who services Paul's petrol gardening kit; Paul isn't into mechanical things but after previously talking to me he has been watching YouTube videos regarding doing his own servicing and generally Paul is amazed by how easy it is; I've offered to sharpen any blades for him and to help if he gets stuck; I like Paul because he's such a good guy he gets taken advantage of and he's not scared to get his hands dirty; I applaud such people.
I'm just having a brew then more woodturning and later today I'll clean the rotavator and then water the garden; I bought three more plants from Morrison's this morning and planted them; our lovely neighbour Carole kindly gave me a big Hellebore yesterday so I'm progressing well and I've still got over 100 bulbs/plants to arrive. Life can be so good.

Kind regards, Colin.