Thanks for your concern about Bron alp.

My pecking order is;
#1 Bron.
#2 Home.
#3 Yeti.
#4 Workshop.
Bron will always be top priority and I love her to bits.
Our home is our sanctuary so much so we've not had a days holiday away from home for the last 40 years.
As a child I knew first hand what real poverty was as did all the kids I knew; only one neighbour had a vehicle and this was broken down more than it ran it being an old Ford side valve van; food and clothes were scarce; I never take things for granted and our Yeti is our luxury giving us freedom to go out during the week when places are much quieter. Yes I love our Yeti in fact I've only just come from it; I've just treated the full leather upholstery it being the SE L 2.0L diesel model at under two years old; Bron too loves our Yeti and normally we exchange our vehicle at 3 years but its possible we'll keep the Yeti it suiting us so well.
The fully equipped workshop isn't just a man cave; having a workshop has allowed us to live here by doing all the repairs and alterations ourselves from replacing foul drains right up to replacing the roof and chimney; I've also made lots of both freestanding and built in furniture; I do all the big heavy jobs Bron turns it into a home.
Time now to settle down for some quality time with Bron to watch a movie; it's been a very busy day since getting out of bed at 6:15 this morning; I'm starting to feel tired. Being retired there just aren't enough hours in a day; I'll be up at 5:15 tomorrow morning as it's Rufforth Autojumble day; this is the only time I spend away from Bron.
Kind regards, Colin.