Thanks once again everyone for not only your welcome ideas and suggestions but more importantly your concern and friendliness.
It is indeed a very difficult decision to make; I asked Bron yesterday if she would like to move but no; Bron says better the devil you know; we've put roots down here and if we move ending up with more unpleasant neighbours then do we continue moving; they do say a change is as good as a rest but after 30 years of hard graft we've finally got our bungalow in top condition and now I'm attacking the mountain. I'm well set up in the fully equipped workshop but I am seriously looking into the workshop heating problem. I removed the workshop strip lights and installed 5 2'x2' square LED panels but even these aren't good enough so I'm looking at low voltage lighting for my lathes.
The best way to heat the workshop is a central heating radiator and for the size I need around £90 on eBay plus fitting so it's not going to bankrupt me; the idea of a woodburner is excellent alp but we see our neighbours with woodburners and they seem to be forever foraging for logs; given the amount of sawdust and shavings in my workshop the woodburner might be an hazard due to fire risk then I'd surely be warm enough? An electric storage heater would work. I spent an hour looking at assorted heaters on the web yesterday; most have mixed reviews and for my needs the CH radiator appears best choice if I can fit one in; my workshop is crammed a warehouse would be better.
We've had neighbours move and go into luxury apartments where everything was looked after for them; they are no longer with us having passed away quickly.
I've spent days looking at bungalows and at one point we considered moving to Cottingham; Hull because our best friends live there and Cottingham does appeal to us; we also considered Lincolnshire it being flat with some very good bungalows until we saw a TV series showing a dump of a place. Nowhere is perfect but I think at the moment we need to resolve problems we can do something about; our bad neighbours next door now leave us alone after police intervention; we wouldn't move just because of them after all we've endured them for 30 years.
The weather is dire but yesterday with the usual rain forecast it didn't rain at all and it was absolutely wonderful to get outside without receiving a soaking; perhaps we'll have a summer this year because it's been cancelled for the last few years.
Bron has just come to me as I type and she says she felt very unsettled because our very good neighbours just along the street are moving but she added why should we move; we don't burgle; we don't push drugs; we don't do beatings and we don't have police against us; we've done absolutely nothing wrong so rather than be soft stand up to the ones causing us trouble; this we've done by involving the police due to our bad neighbours and now they know not to push us around any longer. Bron went on to say she doesn't want to start over in another bungalow after all the problems we've had to sort out here.
Our lovely neighbour Carole next door moved here about four years ago and she said she had a terrible time trying to find a true bungalow in a decent location; Carole has spent around £50,000 sorting her bungalow out; it looked decent enough but our previous neighbours preferred playing golf rather than maintaining their bungalow. The other man's grass is greener until you're walking on it?
Only one supermarket to visit so I was home by 7:30 this morning and I'm about to take Bron over to The Range in Barnsley to buy crafting materials; we're going to start thinking of ourselves more and lift this cloud of doom and gloom which hangs over us. We'll focus now on what is good and build on it. We don't wish ill of our nasty neighbour but now he's aged 82 he's got failing health and has suffered a number of heart attacks and continues his daily world war three with his wife so let's hang on a bit longer it might suddenly turn in our favour without us having to do anything? Sorry if I sound cruel or blunt because it's not meant in such a manner; Bron and I would help them in an emergency as we would anyone. What goes around comes around and we've always been very polite and kind.
Gotta go I'm taking my Bron for a bit of retail therapy; I feel much happier today even if its forecast rain and it was a scorching 4.5C when I set off early this morning.
Now what's all this about gardening?

Kind regards, Colin.