Thanks everyone; I always thought unpacked apples would be cheaper; my mistake and it brought tears to my eyes being a true tight Yorkshireman.

Thanks Upsy Daisy for your kind suggestion about hanging a "Do not disturb" sign on the workshop door; I doubt this would work here because we get lots of cold callers who don't even understand the word "NO" so I doubt they could get their head round something involving reading? I reckon a machine gun post would be more effective?
Sorry Upsy Daisy; I'm going to attempt to clean and dry the Yeti this afternoon so please be put on red alert from Blackie; I'm sure his sister Gale won't be far away either. Thanks; I've just enjoyed a splendid morning; shopping first thing then quality time in the workshop successfully rebuilding the Lorch Lathe headstock; the Lorch sounds very sweet now much to my delight; I even felt warm with the fan heater on low setting with just my body warmer on rather than my Eskimo kit; global warming is sure to be mentioned shortly?
Kind regards, Colin.