I can't totally agree with that but again I guess it depends on where someone is and their weather patterns for the season. Where I am there is usually enough rain when I first plant that I rarely need to water. Once a plant develops it's tap root (depending on the plant and if it naturally has shallow or deep roots) it doesn't matter much, by the time dry season comes it has already grown it's tap root and is in the fruiting stage. Personally I would rather water it enough for it to survive and do what it needs to do then have it wilt and possibly abort it's flowers and fruit to try and stay alive. But depends what kind of plants we are growing I guess. Some things I don't even bother watering and let mother nature figure it out for herself like potatoes for example.A daily check and watering invites shallow watering that only keeps the top two or three inches damp, I prefer to water heavily every few days, less work too, just drop the hose in and leave it for a bit.