TV Licence

Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
Silver Voices sent an update on this subject. It made me glad I only sent an enquiry letter in my prepaid envelope instead of a cheque......
Free TV Licence Campaign

The meeting between the BBC Director General Tim Davie and our Director, Dennis Reed, is scheduled for next week (13 October). A report of the meeting will follow the next day. Despite various statements from Mr. Davie that the policy to scrap free TV licences for the over 75s will not be “reversed”, we will be urging flexibility and compromise from the BBC in the short-term as older people are again facing periods of lockdown or self-isolation. Our commitment to the restoration of free licences for all over 75s will not compromised, but we also want immediate action to tide vulnerable older people through the second wave of the pandemic. So, we will explore suggestions such as licence holidays and voluntary schemes.

We are not optimistic of movement from the BBC, given the bellicose statements that have been made, but we will give Mr. Davie a chance to agree a solution. Whatever the outcome, all members will be consulted on the next steps.

We have had a couple of minor victories in our ‘gum up the works’ battle with TV Licensing to complicate and delay payments. Several members have reported that, after an argument, TV Licensing has accepted that new licences should run from 1 October instead of 1 August because of the late arrival of notification letters. Also, a number of members have reported that TV Licensing has accepted weekly or monthly cash or cheque payments, despite claiming these are not acceptable methods of payment. These may be mistakes by TV Licensing staff, but they create useful precedents which can be quoted by others. The legal justification for backdating licences to 1 August, and for insisting on certain types of payment methods, is moot in any case.

4 October 2020
Jan 31, 2018
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"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
I don't hold up much hope of them making any further concessions other than those they put in place as described in the letter.

I actually have no argument with paying from 1st of August as it was widely advertised and reported in the media as being that date.

As for them being willing to accept monthly cheques, they really didn't have a choice did they? If that what people want to do they'd have to lump it.
Jan 31, 2018
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"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Today an update on the free tv licence situation.
Will you be joining us in this protest @Sean Regan ?

Thanks for bringing it up, but I won't bother, as they say, "You can't fight city hall."
I'm making my protest by sending them a cheque each month. I've paid for three months, I'll send my November £13.13 at the end of next week. So far they've not cashed any of them. So I would imagine a lot of people are doing this and they've a big backlog with which to deal.

Good luck to them with that.
Last edited:
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Just a bit of an update.

The BBC (or their agents), two weeks ago sent me back my original letter telling them I was going to pay monthly by cheque, plus my cheque for August and September payments, a card with a lot of boxes with one ticked which said "send cheque for 157," plus a form for an annual direct debit and a pre-paid envelope. So not as much as the courtesy of a proper reply.

I just stuck the lot into the envelope and sent it all back to them.

Since I sent that first cheque I've sent two others for £13.13 each for October and November.

"They've blinked"

I've just checked my bank account on-line and hey've cashed the second cheque.

When you think about it, they've not really got a choice, have they?

Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
Your first cheque would have been returned anyway because with backing from ''silver minds'' :-
members have reported that, after an argument, TV Licensing has accepted that new licences should run from 1 October instead of 1 August because of the late arrival of notification letters. Also, a number of members have reported that TV Licensing has accepted weekly or monthly cash or cheque payments, despite claiming these are not acceptable methods of payment. These may be mistakes by TV Licensing staff, but they create useful precedents which can be quoted by others. The legal justification for backdating licences to 1 August, and for insisting on certain types of payment methods, is moot in any case. had already been determined that payment would now begin in October.
For the time being, with support from the action group I still await another demand for my money - so that I can write and tell them I do not intend to pay at all. We`ll see what happens next.
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
More fun with the BBC.

I know I'm just being bloody minded, but then I can be if I choose.

I've written to them again.

TV Licencing
PO Box 578
DL 98 1AN


Re Licence 0901312698

Your administration is a shambles but then you are part of the BBC, so what can I expect?
Having reneged on the agreement of funding licences for the over 75s, I wrote to you on 18th September informing you that in turn, that I was reneging on paying by direct debit and you were going to receive a cheque for £13.13 every month.

To that end I sent you a cheque for £26.26 being the payments for August and September. I did not receive the courtesy of a reply, someone at your end bunged the lot back in an envelope together with a card with a box ticked saying “send cheque for £157.” plus a pre-paid envelope. So I put the whole lot in the envelope and sent them back to you.

This cheque has not been cashed. I can only assume that because of the efforts of “Silver Voices,” you having said people didn't need to start paying until they got the ten pager letter (really?) in October, you aren't going to cash this.
However you have cashed the two cheques for £13.13 each I sent for my October and November payments.

So here you go, another cheque for the December payment. Thanks for the pre-paid envelope.

I'm only writing to you having today received another five sheets of paper, (I didn't appreciate the threat of licence cancellation, it just made you sound silly).
Now please stop sending me more reams of paper churned out by your computer, it'll be going in the bin.
Be advised you'll get the next cheque before the end of the year, (I like to pay in advance, it's only fair).

Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
I told Dennis Reed (silver voices) about your letter. This was his reply:-


Info .
10:43 (4 hours ago)
to me

Nice one Sean.

Dennis Reed
Director Silver Voices
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
I've checked my bank account on-line today and the outstanding cheques have now been paid in.

So their bullying tactics have failed to work.

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