Well it's been about a month in a half since I put seed to ground and I am not impressed. I am absolutely astounded by the carpet of weeds I am growing, they are absolutely thriving. I figured I would have some weds but this is rediculous. Thankfully the corn and beans are doing great, if it wasn't for them I would have already tilled that sucker up and started over. The biggest problem I am having is that I can't tell the weeds from the veggies and I am afraid to pull anything out. I have taken numerous pictures at Wal-Mart and from the internet but I can't tell them apart. This first crop has given me a lot of life lessons that I will definitely take into consideration when I restart the garden in July.
Here are some major problems that I could have avoided has I known (maybe this will help newbies when they start there new gardens)
.1 make sure when you till up your garden you till down at least 8 to 10 inches, make sure you get all the roots out or they will just sprout up all over your garden.
.2 make sure you plant your seeds in rows and more importantly make sure the seeds go into the raised part of the rows, not the lower part.
.3 please make sure you Mark your seeds so you will know exactly where they are in the garden in case you get all the weeds, better yet put down some newspaper or line it with some kind of weed guard. Of you don't have the rows plainly marked you might end up like me and not know where anything is.
I guess in my situation it's just as likely that I only have corn and beans because before I cut a huge tree down that was casting a shadow over half the garden, and the only part of the garden that got full sun since they went in the ground was the corn and beans. I think i,923am going to give it until June 10th, that will have been 60 days, and hopefully if there is anything alive in there I should be able to tell by then. Also here are some pictures I took of what kids looks like some brasica, maybe cauliflower, letuce or broccoli, let me know if you guys think it could be one of those.
Thanks for letting me rant.