Well, the new batteries did the trick, there were 80 photos and videos of Hetti around her house from 9.30 pm until she went indoors for the last time at 4.45am.
She did go in and out a few times, never going far from the camera, as if she felt the need to keep checking on her home.
She did go through the gap in the wire fence to presumably get a drink of water from the bowl that's on a small slab of stone just outside the fence. I keep it there, as if it were on the ground in front of her house she'd tip it over, like she does her food bowl every night, she's that clumsy.
She doesn't seem interested in patrolling the rest of the garden. She must find enough food between that in the bowl and the bird feeder to the left of the house, out of range of the camera.
Keeping an eye out here at 2.30am.
She is looking quite "porky."
The other camera picked up 8 images and videos between half ten and 3.45am.
Must be a different hedgehog as a couple of photos were within three seconds of those on the other camera.
I think it's still at the "inspection stage" for this one as the last image is of it wandering off.
I've received a rapid response from the support dept. of the trail cameras, asking some questions and offering advice.
She said the cameras should work with a low battery strength, if they've adapters plugged in, but didn't seem to understand that the length of cables might cause a slight drop in voltage causing them not to work. I've asked her to try to get more information.