Something is eating our strawberries!

Feb 1, 2015
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Hardiness Zone
United States
The thing about chicken wire is its plasticity.
If you get a small bucket, you can wrap chicken wire round it.
Remove the bucket and you have an ideal strawberry cage.

Ah-ha, this makes sense, thank you!

I've seen birds and squirrels take strawberries. But I have no problems sharing my harvest with the wildlife as long as they don't take them all. I also have slugs and pillbugs(also called potatoes bugs or woodlice) eat some strawberries. Again, they only damage a small portion of berries so I don't worry about it. For my plants the first year or two was the worst. Now I get so many strawberries I don't worry about the few I've lost. I do use DE sometimes if I need to and it helps with some insects. For animals like deer and squirrels I make up a hot pepper spray. It will not work for birds. Birds don't get that hot burning sensation that mammals do. But the spray is simple. The hottest hot sauce I could find, mine has ghost chillies. Mix some, probably a tablespoon or two with a couple of cups of water, a few drops of dish soap and an egg. Sometimes I also add some chilli powder too. I don't do exact measurements. Mix it all together and strain with a mesh sieve. Spray plants as needed and after rain. You will have to wash the berries good before eating unless you like hot strawberries. I've found that the animals learn quickly and you will not have to apply this much after they get a taste. In fact the deer have left my yard alone, I haven't had to spray at all this year and very little last year. Even though all the houses around me had deer stripping their gardens. I personally would not put out glue traps. They animals will die a slow painful death if they get them stuck on them. I have no problems with killing them if that what is needed. But IMO, do it quickly.

Thanks for the extra info; I didn't know that about the glue traps.

My attempt at mesh covers was mostly a fail. I ended up inadvertently breaking off a couple more berries. These are new plants, just planted last year, so not established yet. Every berry is a cause for excitement for the kids, as they are not plenteous yet. Here was my five year old's attempt to tell the chipmunks to stay out of the garden (we're pretty sure now it's them). I love it! :love:
Mar 16, 2015
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Hardiness Zone
USDA 10a - Sunset 22
United States
For snails and slugs a copper perimeter, be it tape or tubing or whatever. Not just for strawberries and any snail - slug issue. I have my strawberry pots and just put a little square made of copper tubing and copper 45 degree angle pieces around the base.
May 4, 2015
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Mid Michigan
Hardiness Zone
United States
The copper really works. I used copper tape - slugs and snails won't go over it because it delivers a shock to their slimy little bodies I guess. This stuff here:

I've also tried eggshells and extremely coarse sandpaper (the kind for refinishing floors) and that was worthless. The beer in a bowl sort of worked because it drowned a lot of slugs - but I think it also attracted slugs that wouldn't have been there in the first place. Once they got a buzz on they got the munchies and the ones that didn't drown slid right over to my nearby vegetables and started munching away!

Sluggo also worked, but I am trying not to use any store-bought chemical preparations on my property. The copper tape worked better, if anything. In fact I need to buy more!
Jun 22, 2015
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Hardiness Zone
I got a good laugh with Miss Fern and her photo, hahahaaa. But I wonder in all seriousness, will a dog eat strawberries? By the way, do not give your dog grapes. There are studies and proof that grapes can harm the dog's kidneys.

For the strawberry pests, I suggest you mix some drops of liquid dishwashing soap in a liter of water and spray it on your strawberry patch. That will take care of the pest. Do no forget to rinse with water after 30 minutes.

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