The first pic in the OP shows Foothill Penstemon (Penstemon heterophyllus), a perennial species in the Plantain Family (Plantaginaceae) native to California. There are several available cultivars, but the pinkish purple tones suggest Penstemon heterophyllus 'Margarita BOP'
The acronym 'BOP' in the cultivar name stands for 'Bottom Of the Porch', where the original specimen was found at Las Pilitas Nursery.
The second pic in the OP shows Pride of Madeira (Echium candicans, formerly Echium fastuosum), an evergreen shrub in the Borage Family (Borafinaceae) native to Madeira, as the common name suggests.
The third pic in the OP shows Chilean Rock Purslane (Cistanthe grandiflora, formerly Calandrinia speciosa) a succulent perennial herb in the Montia Family (Montiaceae), native to central Chile.
The wo additional plants are shown in the the 10th post do appear to be a Saxifraga sp. and a Penstemon sp., though the pics are of low size and resolution.