Hi, folks, Been to bootsale, KFC, Homebase to get the £2.89 crates and have dinner. Slept most of the day as I had to get up 3.30am to get things ready for the bootsales. Made a terrible mistake and gave away £14.50. I don't even know what I have sold as I came back the same number of bags and crates. Life is so hard in bootsales. If you say £5, they say £1. When you give them a good and reasonable price, say £5, they want £3 and £4 if they are KIND!
Any way, came home with £45 after the loss of stall fee of the £12 and the £14.50 loss. Sold my enormous squashes and marrows and some people instagram my squash whilst other kept asking me if they were watermelon. Made some friends as well. Both love gardening ..
My son laughed when he read
@BigC 's overdrinking .. You naughty man - he would think it is now even more acceptable to drink. I said to him: but BigC works very hard and look at his lovely bugs hotel, on top of everything else. He saw the hotel and realised what a brilliant artworker you are!
@Logan You know Elizabeth Moss (i.e. Robin) is a scientologist .. Enough said. Now I have to be very careful what I type here. My little man is laughing about scientologist ..