If you want to be truly earth-friendly, have you made plans for your burial? Have you told your loved ones that you do
not wish to be embalmed? That you want to be put in a biodegradable coffin and buried in a shallow grave, so that you can be composted naturally? Maybe you chose Sky burial, to be fed to vultures and other carrion eating life forms? Or perhaps burial at sea, to feed sea life?
Coal mining and burning are both bad for the environment. Do you use electricity? Same with drilling for oil, and burning gasoline. Do you drive a car? Do you heat your home, or water, or cook with natural gas?
When you order things online, or buy things in stores, do you first check to see if they are packaged with styrofoam, and if so, do you then refuse the purchase? And the same with take-out food?
Do you clean with bleach, and then rinse it down the drain?
Have you gotten rid of your toilet and built an outhouse?
If your pet has fleas, do you just let it go? When the cat has tapeworms, or the dog has ticks, do you just call it the cycle of life and let your pet suffer?
Sorry, but if wasps, hornets, or yellow jackets endanger me and mine, they have got to go. I've got too many other things to worry about.