Thanks Beverly. I've started quite a few threads on this forum some not at all gardening related but have been allowed and they hopefully have generated interested in other areas something most gardeners wouldn't even have known about; I do this just to put a bit back as a thank you to all the members who kindly help me when I do ask a gardening question; if these "off topic" threads didn't receive the many replies then I would stop adding them. I have lots of old fashioned skills involving using my head and hands; these skills are dying out as older people die taking the skills with them; it takes me a lot of time to put these threads together but I enjoy sharing my knowledge built up over a lifetime; gardening is an excellent hobby but not very good with deep snow covering the ground so I try to encourage others to try new hobbies rather than sit in front of the TV all day because the garden is out of bounds.
I also add threads when I need to know something about gardening and as such these threads are deemed "on topic" however after the first half dozen or so replies from those members more knowledgeable in gardening matters than I then usually my question is fully answered and it doesn't upset me in the least if the thread wanders off topic because I've been kindly given the information; advice; suggestions I needed so why not be friendly and learn what other members are interested in.
This thread obviously is in the members chat area so "off topic" is taken for granted as in you kindly going off topic to mention a subject I'm interested in this being trains which apart from transporting gardening goods has little relevance; drifting over to fishing you mention also is not gardening related; stocking garden ponds with fish yes but not actually fishing; both trains and fishing are generally guy pursuits but had handbags or shoes been mentioned it wouldn't have bothered me.
I'm always pleased any member takes the time and trouble to reply to anything I add to the forum; in general I think it fair to say direct gardening questions tend to receive direct replies so anything else to me is a bonus; I enjoy reading about other members lifestyle and what they get up to each day; to me it becomes personal as I become familiar with members sharing stories.
I've already stated I'm a member of a radio forum where moderation rules and each time I've posted anything I've had to check and double check not only that what I intend to post is "on topic" but my grammar and spelling are impeccable; I really did push my luck because I introduced a new way of gear cutting in the lathe this being light years off topic but I then went on to be honoured with top restoration award in 2009 on the same restoration I had published. I made many friends on that forum and I like to think I've made quite a few friends on this forum too even if I do ramble on.
I like this gardening forum exactly as it is and hope rules aren't amended that will change it. Just my opinion and definitely no offence is ever meant by me to anyone.
Kind regards, Colin.