As for MY new plants, all seems well. I realized I never posted what types I ended up with. We picked out celosia (both red with red stems/leaves and yellow with bright green leaves) My husband thought they'd be neat, since we put them on a fire box/stove. I'd never have though of that! There are also portulaca with red and yellow blossoms, variegated allysum, a beautiful mix of coleus and two kinds of vinca. I had rooted some ivy from a previous cutting and tossed that in as well. I really like the mix of flowers and all the different sizes, shapes and textures. That we used a mix and match approach with the pots added to my pleasure as well! I wasn't so sure I'd like it, but I do. It's fun going out each day and checking things out, talking to the new plants and seeing something that was once only in my mind's eye, right there in front of me!