I just found cutworms in the evening! They like the basil, chamomile, AND the mint! If it's not one thing... At least I was able to get a few leaves off the Thai basil to go into my eggplant this evening.
One of the stems of my milkweed is covered in these tiny little yellow bugs up around the flower that I can only assume are some kind of aphid. I don't want to spray the plant because it has a lot of monarch caterpillars on it. I tried to spray just that part with the bugs this morning with the aspirin spray, but it didn't seem to phase them.
Just now I tried a little of the mild soap spray (it also has a teeny bit of salt), but there is this tiny little bug crawling near them that looks like it could be a baby ladybird beetle. If it is one, I wish it would call over the rest of it's family and friends! It's too tiny for me to tell for sure, and I doubt it could eat all those little yellow bugs on its own...
I'd really like for my milkweed to to put out some seeds so I can get more plants.