I complained to the estate agent that they would not let me upload my photos and they wanted to get my £5K plus and so the manager phoned and said he would send the photographer to take pics tomorrow. I had been seed-sowing-fasting for the last 2 years and this year, after knowing that neighbour had gone, I have started a binge and I am now drowned in seed trays - Miracle Gro salad bag with very little germination. One Medeira Spinach seed packet was so old that only one seeding per 10 grids. Verve Sweet peas no show in 2 grids whilst Sutton and Johnson are both showing result. Every time the phone rang (twice), I steeled my resolve NOT to answer the phone. Hopefully, it was Douglas ... cold calling me to sell my home via Homewise. They have done that 5 times and I wanted to *&**%% and tell them to buzz off. They just wouldn't take no for an answer. Had another one yesterday. Can't go out now as it is too hot (LOL! the weather can't win). Will go out later to clean up the culled hellebores! Too many of them. I got rid of them even though they are seeding. Hopefully, I will have a batch of selected hellebores i.e. those I really love ..
Can't help myself and bought a Black Dragon Iris. Can't believe Wilko selling them so late. Hope it is not another Indian Chief. Won't flower this year.
Johnny, would love to see some of your rare hens and your pink clematis macropetala.. LOL!
This one from Taylor bulbs - prettiest when it is NOT open. Just love the colours of the back
I cut so much of the tuber that some parts of the mother tubers are now useless. But hey, look how healthy these are. Cut 4 days ago.
First even iris - bit of anti-climax - a very common one. But I love the velvety sheen .. colour close to heaven!