Meconopsis is lovely. I still have the roots in my garden, but I don't think I will have any flowers as there just isn't enough moisture. Make sure you upload your photos. I was tempted to buy them in T&M £10 packets of seeds for £10. But then I curbed my greed and abandoned the basket! If you want something, the code is TM_TN644. Hope it helps someone else. I had penstemons, salvia patens in my basket. But no, I must wait till Wyevale reduce their seeds. They had the blue meconopsis. Boy, I was sooooo tempted, but they will never flower here!
I won't buy any echinops as they love my soil so much that they spread like wildfire!
I had to dig some up and pot them up or they will spread and take up too much of my patch.
Indigofera Pendula looks nice! Cannas seem to have died from the cold. I left some out for the winter and I think I will bring the pots in tomorrow. Even the ones inside a pot in my lean to are not doing well. Not much room in the lean up. I did some penstemon Mother of Pearl or Sour grapes cuttings. Hope they take!