Good morning to a dry and hopefully, quiet, day!
Yesterday, I sowed more seeds and will do so as soon as the viewing is finished by 4pm. I have more or less stopped looking for houses until I have sold. The more houses I look at, the more I realise that I am looking for a house exactly the same like this existing one! LOL!
I bought 3 packets of water lily seeds from China long time ago and watched some videos on how to prep the seeds. I apparently need to file the seeds which come with very hard skin and that's why they can germinate even after 200 hundred years. The skin was tough and the file pathetic. Very little of the skin had been taken out, but the file nearly took off the skin of my thumb!
Watched GW and was amazed by t he amount of blue Camassias Monty had. I bought quite a few, but, as usual, they are everywhere and they create no impact, but boy, they should be so beautiful, I have some white, and blue ones like his. I'm amazed that his are so early. Mine still wrapped up in buds!
About the hen coop, the material is so filmsy. I don't really know how to stop Mr Fox from hurling himself against the grilled panel. I might need some big outside cage. I am going to add another layer of chicken wire to every panel. Baldie has a penchant for lettuce and it's so nice that she would eat from my hand. I think she is not only baldie but broody and I need to act quickly.
A gentleman from freegle promised me some long pieces of wood so that I can make an frame for my vine and a polytunnel. Wish I had an estate car. Going to be stressful taking them back home.
The vibrant colour of my petunia
Salvia greggii Mirage™ Cherry Red are flowering. Will upload some photos later if I have time.