Lots of discount seeds!

Jul 11, 2013
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I went to our local Dollar General this week and was so happy to get lots of clearance seeds for flowers and a few veggies. I filled a bag almost all the way up with them and did not pay more than five cents per packet of seeds. Most of them were flowers but I got a few veggies in the deal. I really want to go back and see if they have anymore left. The flowers were abundant so I think there will still be some flowers left. Now if I can get them all planted at some point in time I will be a happy camper. I highly doubt that I could plant them all next spring but I can save the ones that I don't plant. It just made my day to get them all so cheaply. The veggies are not heirlooms but the seeds will do for such a great price. Have you found any great discounts lately?
Sep 20, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
This is wonderful! If I bought so many inexpensive seeds, I would jump from happiness:D Little things like this always make me happy!
I wasn't feeling like shopping lately, I spend time hiding under a warm blanket, but who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll go outside and look for some special bargains:)
Jul 17, 2013
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Wow, that sounds awesome... I love bargains in general and 5 cents per each seed pack is crazy!!! Grats :) I'm unable to grow things from seed, but finding a seed clearance must be awesome for someone who can actually grow things out of seeds :)
Jul 11, 2013
Reaction score
This is wonderful! If I bought so many inexpensive seeds, I would jump from happiness:D Little things like this always make me happy!
I wasn't feeling like shopping lately, I spend time hiding under a warm blanket, but who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll go outside and look for some special bargains:)

Yes those little seed packets made me very happy too. I hope you find plenty of bargains!

Wow, that sounds awesome... I love bargains in general and 5 cents per each seed pack is crazy!!! Grats :) I'm unable to grow things from seed, but finding a seed clearance must be awesome for someone who can actually grow things out of seeds :)

My seed growing adventures are not the greatest. If I plant the seeds outside it works out well but if I have to start the plants inside it become haphazard at best. Most of the flowers I bought will be started outside. Wish me luck with the veggies though!
Jul 17, 2013
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My seed growing adventures are not the greatest. If I plant the seeds outside it works out well but if I have to start the plants inside it become haphazard at best. Most of the flowers I bought will be started outside. Wish me luck with the veggies though!

They sound far better than mine, so far the only thing I've been able to grow are cucumbers and morning glories :p I've heard the best thing you can do is to plant the seeds outside, otherwise the young plants will be very weak. Best of luck with your seeds, I hope you can take some pictures of your veggies and flowers and post 'em over here!
Sep 6, 2013
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How fun, and at that price it's really no risk! I kind of love seed packets, they're so full of promise and potential :D
Aug 16, 2013
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Wow Shellyann - bet it did - make your day :) can only imagine that it must have felt like being in an Aladdin's Cave :D

We rarely get discounts on anything where I live :( and if we do, they're never on anything, that anyone would ever consider buying.

Discounted items for some reason, always seem to give us much more satisfaction and am sure that. all your flowers and vegetables are going to be twice as enjoyable next year, knowing that you only paid 5 cents a packet.

As Trellum said - we are all hoping to see pictures next year, of the wonderful sight of your seed haul. :)
Jul 11, 2013
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How fun, and at that price it's really no risk! I kind of love seed packets, they're so full of promise and potential :D

Yes lemonzest (cute name) it was a really good haul!

Wow Shellyann - bet it did - make your day :) can only imagine that it must have felt like being in an Aladdin's Cave :D

We rarely get discounts on anything where I live :( and if we do, they're never on anything, that anyone would ever consider buying.

Discounted items for some reason, always seem to give us much more satisfaction and am sure that. all your flowers and vegetables are going to be twice as enjoyable next year, knowing that you only paid 5 cents a packet.

As Trellum said - we are all hoping to see pictures next year, of the wonderful sight of your seed haul. :)

I was so very happy. I had to patiently wait for another woman to look through them before me. The store had them in a cart a few feet away from the check out. You had to pass the cart to stand in the line. I know I stood there for at least 15 minutes looking through them. Our area is not bad for finding deals if you get there first. My problem is that I never get there in time to get any good deals. I did this time though!
Sep 4, 2013
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Ohh I'm so jealous! We don't have any nearby dollar stores in my town, and the ones maybe 40 minutes away don't have seeds, from what I've seen. :( Good luck to you though, sounds like you got some good finds!
Mar 19, 2013
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Northern Alabama
Hardiness Zone
Shelly, that is awesome ! I also love how the dollar stores usually put most of the gardening seeds and even the pots, and other miscellaneous gerdening and yard products on clearance in the fall.
I need to make a trip to my local dollar stores and see what all kinds of goodies that I can find on sale.
Even Walmart often marks their gardening stuff way down, so they can start bringing in the inevitable Christmas items for early shoppers. They use the same areas for both seasonal specials, so one has to go when the other one comes out.
Sep 29, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
United States
I still haven't used the ones I got last spring. I never seem to have enough potting soil or containers for planting. I've been so busy lately I have barely set foot outside and even my indoor plants are suffering. None of the seeds I did try to start indoors have come up and I have lots of stuff outdoors that needs to be transplanted.
Jul 11, 2013
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Ohh I'm so jealous! We don't have any nearby dollar stores in my town, and the ones maybe 40 minutes away don't have seeds, from what I've seen. :( Good luck to you though, sounds like you got some good finds!

I was fortunate yellowbird and found several good finds. I hate that you can't find any of them as well.

What a great find! I went to my Dollar Store and didn't see any sales like this! :(
Hope you enjoy planting them all!

We have 3 Dollar General stores in my area and I really lucked out when I went to the newest store. It is in a different zip code but still in the same county and still very close to my home. The other two DG stores in my zip code did not have anything like this sale. I am finding that the newest store has some awesome sales and I am keeping my eye on it more often.

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