Lets talk Artificial Fertilizers

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Feb 5, 2019
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East Texas
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...What does all your mad cow references have to do with Artificial fertilizers, the subject of your thread? What are you trying to imply here?
Waiting for your answer and your references as to "LAW".

My search engine direct quote "I did not find any information about laws prohibiting grazing cows on pasture in consecutive years."


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Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
Sometimes it is to the benefit of others to comment on information given. This is a forum that you have only just joined where, generally speaking, the members compare notes in a civilised manner, without going into long drawn out yawn fodder which is questionable to say the least. We do not usually find it necessary or appreciated to have ideas like the ones you have thrown at ''new gardeners'' , This approach could deter anyone from even sticking around. I am standing up for this forum, which already has some very experienced and helpful proven experts.


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Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
America is the leading country for over weight young people, And this is because of what they eat and the contents in the food, (True or not true? )
The amount of obesity people in America is far greater than that in most countries , Only in later life when the results of not taking care of themselves will they suffer from the effects of not taking the warning,
To put it in a way I am sure everyone will understand "You are what you eat" And when the warnings are given by those who's job it is to make sure we are eating safe food's and make Laws regarding how long any Animal that is used for the food chain (Including the Animals manure) can use a field, Then that is enough for me,
Oh really, being rude to the American folk on here will not endear them to your snooty and big headed misinformation. I have seen a huge number of very fat people here in our country, and I imagine there will be a fair few in France as well.
Are you just bored? It seems to me that you are just intent on trying to ruin yet another forum. I don't think it will work.


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Nov 22, 2023
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Ok, folks. Let's try to get this thread back on topic please. Either let's talk artificial fertilizers right here, or let's find another thread to discuss. Further off-topic posts may be deleted and the authors of those posts may find themselves banned from replying to this thread at all.


No N-P-K Required
Feb 5, 2019
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East Texas
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old zone 8b/new zone 9a
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This "LAW" that prohibits the grazing of cows on pasture in consecutive years was cited as a reason to NOT use composted cow manure in gardens by the Op, as best I can understand the logic...what about horses?

What about sheep/goats? What about chickens? Do they have to be moved every year by law? Turkeys, rabbits, etc. ?

If not the composted manure of all those would be okay to use in lieu of artificial fertilizers?

I use a lot of fish emulsion and as far as I know they pretty much "graze" in the same general waters every year. Are they ok to use instead of artificial fertilizers?


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Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
We live in a rural area, and know a few farmers. We see that the animals are moved from one field to the next quite often in order to 'rest' the grass. Some of the areas in the farms are left for the grass to grow long, so that it can be used for hay, or silage for winter feed. We are certainly not aware of any law on the subject, and as far as we are told, the management is left entirely to the expertise of the individual farmers. Everyone is aware that any manure should be left for a suitable time to rot down before using it - as most of us do in our gardens. The very local farmer about two miles away seems to rest his fields for about a month at a time during the summer.


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Jan 5, 2017
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Atlantic Beach, Fl
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To put it in a simple way,
Once your soil is being used to grow anything flowers/veg you are using up the soils goodness and this needs topping up by using what is called Artificial fertilizers ,These are tested and are to be used to give the best results for root & / Leaf plants, As i said the use of farm manure is not in every small gardeners good, both the storage for a start of any large manure delivery, (if you can get it) and i pointed out (For those new to gardening the problems farm manure has come to the notice of the more experienced gardener's I feel the novice would not know about these problems and so I explained to them and the new Laws in the UK/IRELAND/ FRANCE ETC Regarding the movement of cow's and why,
I went on to explain the Artificial Fertilizers do the job in a lot cleaner way and to some extent safer way,

If you can not understand my explanation & why i spent the time putting the new to the gardening world then perhaps you did not know half of what I said yourself ?
Every packet of food you buy has a break down of what the food contains "Why" because a lot of people are allergic to some food and the make up of food (Nut's for example) Nothing new these days in knowing what the Chemical content in the food packet,
When it comes to animal manure and the problems we have experienced "No matter who was to blame" surly it is good to know you have a safer choice of how you grow your food ? And what your about to eat ?

America is the leading country for over weight young people, And this is because of what they eat and the contents in the food, (True or not true? )
The amount of obesity people in America is far greater than that in most countries , Only in later life when the results of not taking care of themselves will they suffer from the effects of not taking the warning,
To put it in a way I am sure everyone will understand "You are what you eat" And when the warnings are given by those who's job it is to make sure we are eating safe food's and make Laws regarding how long any Animal that is used for the food chain (Including the Animals manure) can use a field, Then that is enough for me,

I'll say one more thing regarding the use of Artificial Fertilizer's, How many people buy TOMATO FEED from the store's /Garden centers for greenhouse use ? OR do they have cow manure piled up in the greenhouse !!!!! Fly's and all ??

Do not shoot the whistle blower, This Information was intended for those new to gardening, And hoping they will enjoy gardening & live to tell the tale.
I use absolutely zero fertilizers, artificial or "natural". I've shown you pictures before of my yard/plants, those were grown with zero soil amendments. I garden in the same way regenerative farmers farm. If the soil is built up properly, you don't need to apply soil amendments.

As for the laws of cattle in Europe, you got me there; however, I have learned quite a bit about how regenerative ranchers manage their cattle/lands, but I'll save that for another thread, since fertilizing the garden is a big enough topic.

Your information for new gardeners are wrong and outdated. I hope to have more exchanges on this in the future.

And yes, we have our fair share of fatties here in America, but it's not so much from what they eat, rather how much; however, I would agree that they eat too much processed foods. And this is becoming a global problem. America is 14th on this list: https://data.worldobesity.org/rankings/

Don't worry, you all are catching up to us fat Americans, welcome to the club ;) https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/ddn-20210721-2

I'm sure you know how bananas are heavy feeders and they are, but I used absolutely zero fertilizers. I just practiced regenerative growing. If you're concerned about climate change, this is the way to go, not using artificial fertilizers.


Cactus Grower, Kent.
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Oct 10, 2012
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If you use google you will see all the Info ref why cows have to be moved,
And ask google who was it that decided this was to be,

Yep, did that and all I found was "You must not move any live cattle, bison or buffalo without a full passport."

What are you talking about? Did you make that bit up?

Do you have a link to the information or not?


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Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom

I have had a good look on google to try and find this supposed law about cows, and all I could find was this from a French lawmaker, - it's about cows still being allowed to moo in the countryside. Evidently there have been complaints from city people about crickets making a noise, and frogs, as well as that constant sound of mooing 😮 Nothing else though - so no apparent other law to find I think.
A few years ago I bought a whole pallet of cow (farmyard) manure. It was a bit smelly for a day or two, but I used it as a mulch/feed for my flower gardens. The results the following year were magnificent. The manure adding some bulk to the soil as well as all the nutrients needed by the plants. I wish we could afford to invest in another load now for the veggies - but if wishes were horses, beggars would ride!

Oliver Buckle

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Feb 13, 2021
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I once contacted my local dairy farm and asked for a load of manure, they said £8, which seemed expensive thirty years ago, but I agreed, He turned up with a high sided 30 ft trailer loaded with enough manure to cover my entire allotment six inches deep and have some over. Took me all day to move it.

big rockpile

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May 17, 2023
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Lebanon, Missouri
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When we Farmed we moved stock to let the grass have a chance to grow.

I've been watching Garden Like A Viking on YouTube he is into notill gardening but has some very good ideas.

When I bought Fescue I tried explaining to some. Let Cattle eat the grass all the way down. Let it grow, Combine the seed, Bale Hay, let it grow and put Cattle back on it.

Even though they didn't say it they was using the seed as another Crop.

The last year I bought it was my best year bought a million pounds of Fescue Seed.

big rockpile


No N-P-K Required
Feb 5, 2019
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East Texas
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old zone 8b/new zone 9a
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We live in a rural area, and know a few farmers. We see that the animals are moved from one field to the next quite often in order to 'rest' the grass. Some of the areas in the farms are left for the grass to grow long, so that it can be used for hay, or silage for winter feed. We are certainly not aware of any law on the subject, and as far as we are told, the management is left entirely to the expertise of the individual farmers. Everyone is aware that any manure should be left for a suitable time to rot down before using it - as most of us do in our gardens. The very local farmer about two miles away seems to rest his fields for about a month at a time during the summer.
Very good description of my own ranching techniques, @Tetters

I have two hay fields which are never grazed and never artificially fertilized that produce more than the needed winter supply of hay. Cross fencing on pastures enables efficient rotational grazing. I never fertilize pastures or hay fields and never, ever apply herbicides. All organic. It has been regenerating itself for over 40 years while providing tons of high quality organic raised beef for human consumption...long before the fancy names of regenerative farming, biodynamic farming, permaculture, and polyculture became trendy.

Today, I made my first cow manure compost pile for 2024. I usually make three or four of these piles a year from the winter hay feeders. Over time, I turn it and mix it while it heats up to 180 deg plus F killing all pathogens and weed seeds that may be present.

In a few months, it will go onto the garden in the area planned for 2025 veggie crops. It becomes an incredible mix of black rich odor free compost that is completely safe for use in the vegetable gardens...and has been for decades. My gardens as well as several neighbors in the area testify to the effectiveness and safety of this compost. It is absolutely fabulous stuff...and IMO far superior to any artificial fertilizer.

I sincerely wish I could share it with you and like Forum gardeners.

compost 1 2024.JPG


Full Access Member
Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
I have the very same sincere wish pal. If only ....🥺 that stuff is priceless!!
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