Quote "Thank you Silver surfer. The colours are spot on but my iris has smooth edged petals and they are not bearded having three symmetrical tongues.

I've had this iris for many years and although in a sunny position the flowers have never fully opened......but as you see below I discovered this one single open flower yesterday.
If you look back at the first picture I posted in this thread you will see one of the flowers has four tongues, not three. Another discovery I made yesterday.

In your 1st two pic, I agree all the flowers ( except one) are in 3 ..3 falls,3 standards.
Your new pic clearly shows blue parts on the purple/ maroon part (the falls)...these are the beards..(a fuzzy attachment at the base of each falls petal)....so I would say it is definitely a bearded Iris! Even if Iris Brownie Boy is not exactly right.
I was adding this while you were posting.
You have also amended your wording in the post above which now makes my answer irrelevant...re beards.
Glad you have found one you feel is spot on. Little Chestnut is a bearded Iris!