others could well want to read up about that....
We dig up all kinds of garden parts here, would think they do not go back to 1750 BC though..large farm hinges are tops , parts of spades that kind of thing, all metal stuff is gong to stay in the ground forever unless they meet me..
also interesting was the data and this conclusion..with how the angle makes so much difference...
comes a bit late for me as since 15 years old have had disk problems and not talking ..Dessert Island Disks either.....
had a discectomy in 1986/87 and what I call a pull through..scrape the inside of the spinal channel to make it wider... sorted it out pretty much, micro surgery came into it's own at that period, so lucky it was that..wouldn't be talking of spade shovels and diggers otherwise.
We are seriously considering this tool below for a piece of land adjoining ours that we have just purchased...the land is farm like..long tough grass with about 7/8 old trees, mostly walnuts
this is the grass cutter..
Tondeuse débroussailleuse Domino moteur Briggs&Stratton 850 tondeuse broyeuse
chose this type because that is what the farmer used and seemed alright as a rough cut...what do you think and would you have similar types over your distance lands....