I didn't know seeds will sprout without any light. If so, then I'll put it in my garage (it's hot there during the day) until it sprouts then I'll bring it out to an area that has morning sun until 2 sets of true leaves then I'll move it to the west facing area.Pepper seeds will sprout without any light but after sprouting they require at least 6 hours of sunlight. If I understand your question you will start your seedlings outdoors in a container? If so and the temperatures are high (88F+) during the day I would put them where they would receive total morning sun until they had 2 sets of true leaves and then move them into the west facing area. I store my seeds in a paper envelope in the driest area in my house.
Another question please. the container that contains the seeds, do I cover it so no air can get in or leave it opened? the starting seed soil will be wet so if I cover it completely with no air then it will have a micro-climate inside.
If I leave it opened then the soil might dry out then I have to water it maybe once a week.