I would grow it, not so much for use, but for the fact that it is a pretty neat plant and grows easily. Oddly enough, my mom, who was in her late 60's at the time, wondered what this plant was that had shot up amidst the other shrubbery. Asks my little brother, who was living at home at the time, if he knew anything about it and what it was? Of course he played dumb, or it may have been his efforts or throw aways that seeded the plant. Either way it grew in the backyard for several years and my mom, always said if she got caught, she would just tell them, she thought it was a cool plant..
I have a similar story. My mo, who is an avid gardener, went to Hawaii and saw the marijuana plants and thought that they were pretty. So she somehow got her hands on a few seeds and brought them home. She planted them in her veggie garden and the thing grew like a weed (no pun intended). It got like 6 feet tall.
This was back in the '80s at the height of the war on drugs. We told her she had better get rid of it, that if the cops found it, they could confiscate her house. She said that if anyone found it, she would play dumb and say she thought it was a ming aralia, as they do look a little similar. We finally convinced her it wasn't worth the risk.
Ming Aralia
Marijuana leaves