Thanks Esther; I do worry about Bron should I pass away first but I've done things to help her and we've talked about it. It cost us £300 a few years ago in order to ensure our wills were written in stone; we know only too well people would stab us in the back for an half penny especially my family of vultures who have already adopted my inheritance from when my mother passed away leaving a detached bungalow; Bron and I aren't really bothered about this because we expected it and we know the money won't make them (two brothers and a sister) any happier because they only live for money and possessions. Bron and I have been together 41 years and paddle our own boat never having had much help from anyone.
I mentioned neighbours never having taken a parcel in for us all the 30 years living here; I've received an email from our lady neighbour who is 80 miles away on a walking holiday asking if we can please watch out for a delivery tomorrow morning between 9 o'clock and 10 o'clock? It never ever lets up with people wanting favours from us and as the daylight lengthens and it warms up above freezing then all the charity bags start dropping onto our carpet through the letterbox and no end of visitors wanting money for one service or another; it's a crime here to get on because everyone wants a bit of our success; of course we'll take the delivery it would be childish to refuse but there goes my only full day of bliss in the workshop without interruption. If I go into the workshop and Bron has to visit the toilet guess what time the delivery will be?
We do have neighbours who will help in an emergency and are happy to do so but most of the year we see little of our neighbours because of the dire weather and we are all detached so are very private.
Bron and I have also discussed moving but we have our own little world here and our bungalow is home.
Thanks for your good wishes Esther and no you aren't being glum because eventually we all pass on but as you rightly say we need to plan up front a bit.
Thanks for your suggestion alp regarding pampering ourselves and occasionally eating out; if you read our local paper I wonder if you would feel the same about eating out; vermin infested kitchens etc don't appeal to us and it's surprising how many of these kitchens there are and these are the only ones that reach the local paper? On top of this if I accidentally eat anything dairy I could end up as I did in July 2016 hooked up to mission control in our hospital; I have food intolerance of dairy products; I'll never forget the three days I spent with tubes sticking out of me; it's been bad enough over the years suffering severe asthma for the first 11 years of my life plus lots of other things like major surgery for Crohn's disease also fractured legs and fractured rib; I'm very happy to remain home where Bron and I enjoy each others company. Please join the long queue alp of those who have tried to change us; no offence meant but why can't Bron and I be accepted as we are?

We have friends living 100 miles away who visit us about four times each year; two of these friends are retired brother and sister both wonderful people; they were brought up in their parents rented council house and when their parents passed on they remain to this day in the same house; neither has married; his hobbies are his allotment and watching his football team; he doesn't drive; she passes her time in the stores and out with friends she owns a car and drives. Both are happy and content and we would never try to change them; we're all different and have our own preferences. Retirement though can take on many guises from suicide through boredom to happiness having lots of hobbies. It helps to plan for retirement from an early age.
Good on you Esther; I too started work early but at the age of 11 when I was up at 5am for my paper round and on Sunday morning I had two paper rounds; a bag of sunday papers is heavy especially to a skinny weakling of a kid having just recovered from asthma and in those days it was a heavy bag hung from my shoulder unlike now with wheeled trolleys.
I'm going to settle down now to some quality time with my Bron watching the original series of Dallas; we're on series 11 now and we have all 14 series so still plenty to watch.
Have you planted more bulbs lately alp and have the bulbs you've already planted broken through?
Kind regards, Colin.