At one time, about 10 years ago after the birth of our fourth child, I developed adult embarrassing! I think my hormonal balance was thrown off somewhere after delivery. It turned out to actually be a blessing in disguise because it helped me to become healthier. Due to the fact that I was trying to get rid of the acne, I began to rack up a trail of unsuccessful doctor appointments to receive a cure for the acne and it was extremely frustrating. I am a pharmacist and I evaluated the side effects of most of the pills and topicals and decided not to continue to take any of them, lest I develop sunburn or some other awful condition. Sure, my acne just may be cured but I may develop the worst ever sunburn, liver problems or other major health catastrophes just from wanting to have Great Skin!!!!
You may ask, "Where is all of this leading to?" Well...all of the prescription failures led me to investigate more natural things for my skin problem. I started reading about the great effects of basil and sage and began drinking it as a tea. Now, I just love to use it in my water, warm or room temp. I use it more when I have indigestion. I love the health benefits, and now, I can share my experience with other adults who suffer from acne.