Have you ever bitten into a wormy fruit?

Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
South Africa
Hardiness Zone
South Africa
There is nothing more gross than taking a big bite out of a wormy mango; there is nothing more distasteful and it always seems to happen to me.

Worms seem to be a big problem in mangoes, and it's impossible to tell from outside which are going to be the wormy ones :( I never bite into them though. Once I've peeled one, I slice off pieces until there's very little fruit left on the seed. If there's still no signs of a worm, I'll bite off what's left. But if I see any signs of a worm, I'll probably throw out the whole mango. It's really annoying, because mangoes aren't cheap.

Going slightly off topic, I once found a mango seed which was already starting to develop a root before I cut into the fruit. I planted it and now have a little mango tree growing in a pot. I doubt it will ever get big enough to bear fruit, but it doesn't really matter. At least it was a pleasant surprise for a change.
Jun 9, 2014
Reaction score
Worms seem to be a big problem in mangoes, and it's impossible to tell from outside which are going to be the wormy ones :( I never bite into them though. Once I've peeled one, I slice off pieces until there's very little fruit left on the seed. If there's still no signs of a worm, I'll bite off what's left. But if I see any signs of a worm, I'll probably throw out the whole mango. It's really annoying, because mangoes aren't cheap.

Going slightly off topic, I once found a mango seed which was already starting to develop a root before I cut into the fruit. I planted it and now have a little mango tree growing in a pot. I doubt it will ever get big enough to bear fruit, but it doesn't really matter. At least it was a pleasant surprise for a change.

Gina at times the mangoes look so juicy and mouth watering that all i'll do is have it washed and take a big bite; hover i have learn from my not so pleasant experiences so i have stopped doing that.

Ahh Gina i guess the time will come when you're mango tree will be fruitful you just need to be patient.;)
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
South Africa
Hardiness Zone
South Africa
Gina at times the mangoes look so juicy and mouth watering that all i'll do is have it washed and take a big bite; hover i have learn from my not so pleasant experiences so i have stopped doing that.

Ahh Gina i guess the time will come when you're mango tree will be fruitful you just need to be patient.;)

If I keep it really small I'm not sure that it would be wise to allow it to get fruit. At my bonsai club I've heard of other varieties of fruiting bonsai trees that have put so much energy into producing huge quantities of fruit that it has put too much strain on their small root systems and the trees have died.
Dec 28, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Worms seem to be a big problem in mangoes, and it's impossible to tell from outside which are going to be the wormy ones :( I never bite into them though. Once I've peeled one, I slice off pieces until there's very little fruit left on the seed. If there's still no signs of a worm, I'll bite off what's left. But if I see any signs of a worm, I'll probably throw out the whole mango. It's really annoying, because mangoes aren't cheap.

Going slightly off topic, I once found a mango seed which was already starting to develop a root before I cut into the fruit. I planted it and now have a little mango tree growing in a pot. I doubt it will ever get big enough to bear fruit, but it doesn't really matter. At least it was a pleasant surprise for a change.

How long did it take for it to grow and about how big is it?
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
South Africa
Hardiness Zone
South Africa
How long did it take for it to grow and about how big is it?

Its probably about a year and a half since I planted it, and it's only a little over one foot high, but I've got it growing in quite a small pot. I'm sure it would do better if it had more root space, but I've got so many young trees in pots that I don't have space for another big pot in my yard.
Jan 10, 2015
Reaction score
It had never happened for me, but it should be really disgusting, it could probably traumatize me, because I've got a fobia with worms and all of that stuff xS
But I suppose that a gardener should pass throught that kind of things xS
Just don't think on that, if not, you will never eat xD

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