We have plenty of snakes here in Florida. There are many types of harmless (to people) snakes, but we have 3 varieties of rattlers, copperheads, cotton-mouths, and coral snakes. We also have scarlet king snakes, which look like coral snakes. After being really frightened, you can tell the difference between the coral snake (which is one of the most deadly varieties of snake ) and the king snake by the order of the color rings, or by looking at the belly of the snake. Red on yellow, kill a fellow. Red on black, kind to Jack. The king snake has a white belly (the rings don't go all the way around). You don't want to pick up a coral snake to check it's belly. They are both beautiful snakes. A coral snake bite can kill in less than 15 minutes. We also have ring neck snakes, lovely little black snakes with bright red rings around their necks and a sweet temperament. They are 6 to 12 inches long and really quite pretty. They actually have a weak venom, but are harmless to people. They basically can't bite people, and don't try.