Every thing is more mail order these days "But i have found ordering plants via mail order not so good"*This is due to the minute the plants leave the sender and the way the are handled between being sent and arriving at your door,
I like to see the state of the plant and look at the roots if possible,
Seed catalog's Here we have a different subject, The information on the packets are really worth keeping as they give important info on how to grow the seeds / soil / Compost in requires and so on, It even tells you when and where to sow!!
So far so good, Now we come to the new to gardening and this good advice, The sowing guide is just that a guide,
The seeds man has no idea where you live or the different time of the season that your areas is operating in
And if the seed packet says sow outdoors in April, !!!!!
That-s fine if in your area April is warming up time for the soil, but if it is not and the ground is still very cold of an evening then the seeds suffer, Same goes for rain, to much and these tiny seeds rot, even if covered,
Have a walk around your garden Center first and see the bulbs and plants and the storage of the items, if the plants are being stored outside !!!! This will let you know these plants are hardy and can stand the out door temps "But ask if they are ready to plant into the outside now or a little bit later, The bulbs you'll find stored inside the Center (these need protection from frost etc until you get them home,
Street markets are some of the worst places to have plants/shrubs offered for sale, they sit on stalls in wind/the cold etc and spent the evening pre the street sale sitting in a truck, "Not the ideal way to start their lives off.