The heat from unaged maneur can kill your worms, if you add too much. It also attracts different decomposition insects that can sometimes prey on the worms. I just have 2 scrap buckets on the house porch with loose lids. One is a citrus & berry compost that doesn't go to the worm bed & one is other kitchen scraps. We try to keep meat, nightshades & aliums low in this compost bucket, but a few scraps are ok. We dump the scrap bucket for the neutral worm farm into their trough once or twice a year, add some leaf, grass & ground cover clippings over the top to keep the smell down, add some water, without drowning them, I have an upside down tray for them to hide under from the sun & rain. The tub drains for wormfarm tea into a bucket. They get some black mesh over them for shade and to protect from flies 3 parts of the year and extra leaf debris insulation and a tarp cover that still breaths in the winter. Once a year I pull 2/3rds of the castings & soil out that they generate in the spring. I harvest extra worms to add to soil beds & pots around the property. They like rich matter to eat.