I saw a garden tip about root rot/ the white fungus at the base of plants. Supposedly, sprinkling cinnamon around the base stops it. I lost my basil plant to that, was wondering if anyone has tried it, and if it works. A post about hacks, myths, and tips for garden plants would be a good thing. Just a “this worked, this doesn’t” would be good.
The title/term really provides the answer. ....rot.
This directs one to basically rotting. viz, decaying by whatever means. In this instance, horticulturally. Plant root-rot can come about in garden plants but nostly in house plants or plants contianorized.
Basically poor drainage is the problem. Non aquatic plants are the victims. The moisture becomes too great for the plants roots to deal with. So bacteria enters stage right. Whatever the visible signs might be, white fluffy whatsit or brown gunge thats the death knell. Like the drainage from the kitchen sink. A blockage, bad smells and wow.
At this juncture it is not worth entering into a scientific study.
Basically. Plant Root Rot is down to overwatering, poor drainage.
Hope this helps. Mike Allen. Plant pathologist.