TYPOS: "Excuse my smartphone but a spell-check app was included in original mainframe but it errors MORE than I do: I do NOT use emojus; plus it changes meanings also--SCARYFISHING SUPPLIES--[ieoles/rods/reels/strein/ bl, some places offer a package-deal giving you an assortment of hand-tools/gloves/pots/even trellis which to e
bait/license/MORE], can be bought on EBT--"IF you live in rural-area or where stores are NOT within a reasonable dustance: Also the gardening seeds and plants; look for deals
Tues.-06-05-22: [cont. from 1st and 2nd-attempt to complete my comments] ~*~ I plan to tell "how to r:...Look for deals; some stores offer FREE growing-accessories--[ie: hand-tools/gloves/pots/trellis for placement of pots/etc.-etc.]: Don't forgot to take soil-samples into your county extension-office for inexpensive and sometimes FREE analysis of minerals needed; also they can tell you valuable info such as pollen-levels in your area and what veggies grow best in your area: Hope these tips helped you get going now--{though a little late in season} or next year?! Happy gardening!!!TYPOS: "Excuse my smartphone but a spell-check app was included in original mainframe but it errors MORE than I do: I do NOT use emojus; plus it changes meanings also--SC
P.S.: I'm a newby to this site; if you can share tips of how to best maneuver here, I'd sure appreciate your efforts!!! Sincerely,
Earth-Angel ~*~ Later, I hope to tell how to Moon-Read and why using two rain-gauges for best and effecient watering w/o waste