Pretty much completely off topic
@gary350 . The discussion is about No Dig and whether it works or not. Please stay on topic.
... I do NOT buy organic seeds or organic plants it is 100,000. times more important to grow seeds and plants in none toxic none contaminated poison soil.
Completely off topic. No one is talking about organic seeds or organic plants in this thread. Please stay on topic.
... I have 14 bird houses and very few bugs. I do not plant squash or cucumbers they are bug magnets they attract 1000s of evil bugs to my garden. I burn lots of tree limbs and wood to use for BER and fertilizer for plants. I buy grocery store potatoes to sprout myself to plant 6 weeks before last frost = April 20 for us. I buy onion sets and plants to plant March 1st I don't care if they are not organic because they will be grown organic.
Completely off topic. Bird houses, bugs, etc. are all irrelevant to the topic.
... Some people are too radical about organic I don't care if seeds claim to be organic or not. I buy the $1 seed packs not the $5 organic seeds. I am glad that I took chemistry in school, fertilizer is NPK no matter where you can find it. I refuse to pay $20 for a tiny 5 lb. bag of organic fertilizer I pay $20 for 50 lbs. of fertilizer from local farm supply store. I recycle my own dead plant back into the garden soil.
100% off topic. Too Radical, seed packets, price of fertilizer, etc. are all irrelevant to the topic
...I use a garden tiller to till before I plant then till between rows if they need it to kill weeds. ...
Ok, so you do not use No Dig, but the thread question was does No dig work...not what you use.
I plant a 30ft row of Zinnia flowers it attracts 100s of honey bees, 100s of butterflies, lots of finch birds. I have 6 blue bird houses they select their house last week of Feb. and lay eggs first week of March. My garden has almost no bugs, I start seeing stink bugs mid July they attack tomatoes. Stink bugs are the only bugs I ever see. I haul lots of free compose from the recycle center to my garden.
100% off topic. Flowers, bird houses (again), etc. are all irrelevant to the topic
Again, the topic as stated by the OP is "
Does No Dig gardening really work?"
You are welcome to start other threads on other topics you have posted in this response, but please in this thread stick to the question asked by the Op.