I do a little trench composting and have for a couple of decades. These days I mainly do it in the fall.
In any beds that didn't have perennials or won't be used for winter vegetables, I dig a deep trench by pulling up the soil on both sides. The depth is basically whatever the bunk of soil will tolerate without caving back in... Maybe a foot or so down the middle of the length of a bed.
I have a local brewery that lets me have freshly spent grain. I fill the trenches and then add a layer of leaves and pull the soil back over the trenches. That pretty much sets those beds for the winter. In the spring I plant as normal. The soil organisms seem to do well and in return the plants also do well.
When planted, during the growing season I may also layer compostables on the surface between plants. They also break down as well as make more food for soil organisms and by default, the plants.
Anyway. I try to alternate which beds get the trench treatment to every other year.