It looks like an Areca palm to me. I have never grown one inside, but have 3 in the garden, one over 10 years old. They naturally drop fronds and the fronds (some of them) naturally turn yellow. It doesn't necessarily mean it is dying. I believe i have heard them referred to as "golden palms" because of their frequent yellow leaves. As i say i have never grown them inside, but fluctuations in temperatures can be a problem. They don't like cold weather, and over-watering can be a problem. During the rainy season i never give them water, during the dry season i might water them once a month. But that will not necessarily apply to your plant and it will probably need water more than once a month, but i would keep it on the dry side. It may just be outgrowing its container. In nature these palms can become as tall as a two storey house, so they are always wanting to grow.