Check out this thread. It might give some ideas.
BACKGROUND The common response when I present the techniques I use for gardening is that the techniques will not scale down to small applications. In this thread I will attempt to demonstrate that this premise is incorrect, that in fact the techniques do scale down to as small as ONE single...
Till all that green manure into your soil. It is tremendous soil conditioner and likely better than any amendment you can purchase anywhere.
Find a source for compost, e.g. cow manure, horse, chicken, etc. and make your own amendments...again far superior to commercial stuff which carries the risk of latent herbicides in it. Also, add all the organic matter you can to your beds.
With three 4x8 beds you can set up a great rotation program. Be creative! Use companion planting. It works.
Start the cover crops NOW or very soon. Don't wait until spring. You can't go wrong with some legumes and/or winter ryes. It takes some time but year after year, your soil will improve, your insect problems and fungal problems virtually disappear and best of all you will produce nutrient dense veggies with great taste.