Do You Garden Alone?

Jul 11, 2013
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@gata montes LOL at the part about hubby doing the rototilling for you because he might be afraid you would mess it up. I am fortunate that hubby helps to get everything ready and he will even help plant some of the seeds and such but he refuses to weed the garden or pick any vegetables (unless of course it it is something he really likes).

@Pat @firelily99 @charahome I can see where it is a wonderful way to just relax and release. I often find the garden first thing in the morning very peaceful.

@headfullofbees That early morning cup of coffee is the perfect time for me to relax too!

@Amalia I think we are fortunate to have someone to help with the heavy lifting part of it all.
Oct 30, 2013
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Connecticut USA
In the early morning my dog and I go out and look at the gardens, he does his thing and I walk around sipping coffee and picking off the stray weed. In the evening I like to sit and look at things like the birds enjoying the sunflowers or the butterflies and bees doing what they do.
Aug 16, 2013
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Shellyann36, - yes I often get the feeling that he is very attached to ' his ' rototiller :D but to be honest I'm really quite glad, that he doesn't enjoy doing much else in the garden, although have to admit, there are times that I really wish he would help with the weeding, and I dread to think what would happen, if he was let loose with a large quantity of seed packets, especially as he can never remember where he puts things :D
Jul 11, 2013
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Shellyann36, - yes I often get the feeling that he is very attached to ' his ' rototiller :D but to be honest I'm really quite glad, that he doesn't enjoy doing much else in the garden, although have to admit, there are times that I really wish he would help with the weeding, and I dread to think what would happen, if he was let loose with a large quantity of seed packets, especially as he can never remember where he puts things :D

LOL! Another fellow that likes to plant all willy nilly? Keith does this as well. I draw up a garden map every year and I have to be very firm about sticking to it. He will decide when we are midway through the planting process that he wants to add cantalopes or watermelons and I will have to assure that they get put in the proper place and he is just willing to plant them anywhere. I am glad he likes to help and that he does get happy about things such as cantalopes and watermelons.

Keith is also very good at making row markers. He likes to come up with ideas. The last garden we had he used old branches and the seed packet to mark the rows. It lasted long enough for the plants to get big enough to distinguish what was what but we found several markers that we want to make on Pinterest next year.
Jul 11, 2013
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In the early morning my dog and I go out and look at the gardens, he does his thing and I walk around sipping coffee and picking off the stray weed. In the evening I like to sit and look at things like the birds enjoying the sunflowers or the butterflies and bees doing what they do.

So in a sense you do garden with your dog @firelily99 . That is very sweet.
Aug 16, 2013
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LOL! Another fellow that likes to plant all willy nilly? Keith does this as well. I draw up a garden map every year and I have to be very firm about sticking to it. He will decide when we are midway through the planting process that he wants to add cantalopes or watermelons and I will have to assure that they get put in the proper place and he is just willing to plant them anywhere. I am glad he likes to help and that he does get happy about things such as cantalopes and watermelons.

Keith is also very good at making row markers. He likes to come up with ideas. The last garden we had he used old branches and the seed packet to mark the rows. It lasted long enough for the plants to get big enough to distinguish what was what but we found several markers that we want to make on Pinterest next year.

LOL - oh and some - whenever hes been let lose with a packet of seeds, they're not just in the wrong place but normally on top of each other, because as I've mentioned before, he forgets where hes put them, and have before now, landed up with a thicket of melons, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes all growing out of the same very small spot :D but the best time of all, and one that really made me laugh, was when he thought that he'd planted some melons and was actually, very happy to nurture them himself, that is - until he realized they were not melons after all, but cucumbers and he really hates them :LOL:

I often use twigs as markers as well but without the seed packets, because apart from the fact that they would be very likely to blow away, I don't normally sow all my seeds at once, but do it over a period of weeks, as that way I get larger crop and for much longer, but to be honest, my favorite choice is to use ice lolly sticks which I can write on - and of course although my husband doesn't help me place them - he is always extremely keen, to help provide a very large supply, and often much more than I actually need :D

As I've already mentioned I actually prefer to garden alone, but I do like it, when I hear of partners who actually enjoy working together on something they both enjoy doing :)
Sep 24, 2013
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My husband will help get the garden ready. We usually plant together, but I do the rest alone. I weed the garden by myself, but I like it this way. Very soothing.
Jul 11, 2013
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@firelily99 That poor dog chasing chipmunks. I feel for him.

@MindyT It is good that you have the help getting it ready. I know I am thankful that my hubby helps get our tilled and planted.
Jul 11, 2013
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My wife and I try to tend the garden and flower beds together. The flower beds are more her thing than mine, but I try to lend a hand when I can. She's ended up doing a lot of the work due to my work schedule, but it's supposed to be teamwork.

I am quite sure that she really appreciates your helping her. I know I appreciate when my hubby helps me out with mine as well. I do wish that hubby would help more with weeding. LOL perhaps I will show him this thread. Might make him get more involved..... well maybe not.
Jan 3, 2013
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Miami, FL
As an apartment dweller, I just have a container garden, and I mostly take care of it alone ,but my daughter does sometimes water my plants.
She likes plants, but potted plants are a one person job and I don't really need help.
Dec 29, 2013
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Every year I compile this big "To Do" List of things that I want to do in the garden the following year. Normally its quite a few things because I get excited and I want to do it all at one time. For example, in 2014 I would love to get a bee hive as well as start on an aquaponics adventure. Not to mention now I am all worked up about a butterfly garden and attracting butterflies thanks to @ChanellG . She has so many neat posts on her butterfly babies it is hard to resist. Of course I also want to expand our fruits and berry bushes. I would love to plant blackberries, raspberries, more grapes, strawberries and of course a few fruit trees as well. (Can you see that I am like a kid in a candy store?)

My husband just sits back and shakes his head at all of my ideas because he knows he will end up doing all of the brute work. He will till the garden, build anything that needs building and if we get this aquaponics project started he will be taking care of the fish (the last time I had fish I killed them all!).

Needless to say, he is not as keen on my project ideas as I am. That leads to my question: Do you garden alone or does your better half or another person help you out?

My husband gardens with me. Everything goes smoother when it's a team approach.
Sometimes, I garden alone such as when I do some weeding or watering. Sometimes, he helps me weed or water.

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