Deception, Lies & misinformation, online makes me "MAD" as @#$%!


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Jun 25, 2023
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Zach Bush is raising money to get farmers through their first year of changing over to regen. ag.
Look at the thread "Plants distinguish Natural Soil Nitrogen from Synthetic nitrogen."
We might have misunderstood each other. I'm no purist. If you want to use NPK fert. that's your decision. I have to poison rampant black ants and rabbits. Not pleasant.

cpp gardener

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Nov 13, 2019
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Riverside/Pomona CA
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Redback was referencing a thread we had about whether plants need organic nutrients or if synthetic ones are fine. I got blasted for supporting synthetics.
As I tried to point out, as far as the PLANTS are concerned it doesn’t matter and that that’s why hydroponics work. Soil microorganisms are a completely different matter, but that point was overlooked.

On to the topic of garden misinformation and lies. A lot of these are, as Gary350 noted, built on money. Everybody needs it and some people don’t care how they get it. To help determine if something is b.s. a key factor is if there is money attached to a recommendation. If there is, buyer beware.

If you want great, science-based garden information I highly recommend All of the information there is based on peer reviewed research. Linda Chalker-Scott is a PhD Extension advisor who has spent a lot of time testing gardening practices and evaluating results. Check out her books The Informed Gardener and The Informed Gardener Blooms Again. She covers hugelkultur, compost tea, organic superiority, drainage materials in containers, soil amendments, sheet mulching and a bunch of other gardening myths.


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Apr 18, 2016
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Redback was referencing a thread we had about whether plants need organic nutrients or if synthetic ones are fine. I got blasted for supporting synthetics.
As I tried to point out, as far as the PLANTS are concerned it doesn’t matter and that that’s why hydroponics work. Soil microorganisms are a completely different matter, but that point was overlooked.

On to the topic of garden misinformation and lies. A lot of these are, as Gary350 noted, built on money. Everybody needs it and some people don’t care how they get it. To help determine if something is b.s. a key factor is if there is money attached to a recommendation. If there is, buyer beware.

If you want great, science-based garden information I highly recommend All of the information there is based on peer reviewed research. Linda Chalker-Scott is a PhD Extension advisor who has spent a lot of time testing gardening practices and evaluating results. Check out her books The Informed Gardener and The Informed Gardener Blooms Again. She covers hugelkultur, compost tea, organic superiority, drainage materials in containers, soil amendments, sheet mulching and a bunch of other gardening myths.

I get blasted for using factory fertilizer too but organic in a bag is factory made fertilizer also. College Biology class I learned plants can only use Nitrates NO3 and Ammonia NH3. Go to your garden and pee on a plant urine turns to Ammonia NH3 plants love it. Urea fertilizer is a nitrogen plants can not use until Urea comes in contact with calcium & moisture in the soil. Chemical symbol for Phosphorus is P mined crushed rock. Potassium chemical symbol is K it is mined also. Organic Plant Food is made form home sewage from sewage treatment facility.

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Full Access Member
Jun 25, 2023
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As I tried to point out, as far as the PLANTS are concerned it doesn’t matter and that that’s why hydroponics work. Soil microorganisms are a completely different matter, but that point was overlooked.
Soil microbes are the norm. Hydroponics is a completely different matter. My impression of the hydroponic foods is that they are tasteless and low in nutrition.
I think my example of the sequoias illustrates that nature is far and away the most powerful growth enhancer. I am changing and I am entering a method of gardening that is based on the ideas of 'variety equals fertility' and ''taste equals nutrition'. These are principals developed by soil scientists like Christine Jones and the man who photographed microbes feeding at plant roots - Dr. J. White.
I have gardened for a long time and had successful organic homegrown crops the last fifty years of my life and found that my health is better than most people my age. This year's drought and constant heat waves has given me my worst garden in my memory. I'm mainly concerned now in making gardening less work. Last year's garden had three amazing crops - corn, broccoli and carrots. Twelve corn plants yielded thirty perfect tasty cobs. The broccoli heads were massive, and the carrots tasted sweet. I weeded once when the crops were established and top dressed with my compost. The weeds that grew preserved the moisture and the insect life balanced out the pest problem. These three crops were almost immune to attack.
You can argue about chemistry - I'm convinced it's not chemical compounds that give fertility but soil life.

cpp gardener

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Nov 13, 2019
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Riverside/Pomona CA
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United States
You’re still not getting it. Read each word and don’t add extra meaning.

As far as the PLANTS are concerned it doesn’t matter the source of nutrients.

Soil microorganisms are a completely different matter.

Show me evidence (peer reviewed studies) that show a difference in nutritional value. I know of several from the University of Massachusetts that say there isn’t any.


Full Access Member
Jun 25, 2023
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As far as the PLANTS are concerned
Have plants got a concern - do they have a conscience - how do you know what plants think?
it doesn’t matter the source of nutrients.
Whoa! It matters a lot. In chemistry you may be able to oversimplify but in real life this is like saying you and I don't care about the providence of our food.
Soil microorganisms are a completely different matter.
Why? I find soil life to be THE main fertility factor.
Show me evidence
Where's your evidence. Prove that plants have a concern and how you know this. Show that all plant sources have exactly the same constituents in every way and prove that plants are able to discriminate between sources in the first place. Prove that soil life is a completely different matter to plant health.
Your question is full of unanswered questions.
Show me evidence (peer reviewed studies) that show a difference in nutritional value. I know of several from the University of Massachusetts that say there isn’t any.
You and I study our preferred sources. Big Pharma would be pleased with you for defending the chemistry labs that are their income source. Many university research projects are funded by companies who know how to pose the 'right' questions like - "The benefits of sugar".
I have given you the names of the soil life advocates. It's up to you whether you want to see the other side of the argument.

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