I bought a load of wood. Our Son said that is BS he would keep us in wood.We used to heat with wood. Husband would go get the "free" wood. Somehow word got out, and folks had wood they wanted cleared off their property. We still even have a gas splitter. So, my job in the winter was to stack the wood inside the basement outside doors and get the wood stove in the basement started and keep it cooking. Was an awesome ugly stove, with two oxygen valves, but it put out the heat, even the walls of the house were warm, and the floor above the heat, even with a barrier above the stove, was warm. I'd say we did that for 28 years. Husband got tired of it all, now we don't do it anymore. It does cause dirt, carries soot through the house, even if its in the basement.
Splitter broke down it is in the shop but have been using it for years.
big rockpile