I see several people saying the bees are all over them. I was walking in an orchard once where I kept bees, talking to the farmer, and said how my bees liked them. He told me, rubbish, he walked his orchard every morning and had never seen a bee on one. He was an early bird, like most farmers, dandelions don't start making nectar until the sun is well up, usually about an hour before mid day, and the bees now it. Notice you won't see the bees first thing. I remember as a boy in France on the train regularly seeing people walking the fields looking for young dandelions for their dinner, most English people wouldn't have touched them in those days, but my mother took a language degree and spent a year in France in about 1930. I like to leave the odd one at the edge of my beds and chop the leaves into the tilth when I am hoeing. Those deep tap roots are drawing up nutrients that are below the reach of my garden plants, but I draw the line at docks.