I have a car but I don’t use it often, maybe once a week. I heat with deadwood I cut myself on an 80 acre property. My electricity is primarily solar with a backup generator, off grid. No to the a/c. None of that has anything to do with the scary graphs I posted.
I think you’re misunderstanding me here. I’m not suggesting we can or should do anything. I think it’s way past the point of “fixing.” I’m merely observing the trends and saying something bad is coming. I don’t believe we could change it anyway.
I’ve attempted to explain from a larger standpoint where these massive bursts of cold weather are coming from. It appears to be the poles, particularly the north one, are warming rapidly. I don’t feel any remorse, nor am I preaching to anyone about changing their lifestyles. I’m not debating anything, I’m showing some data and relating it to where these seemingly mysterious cold bursts are coming from.