Molly is a great dog, FULL of energy. English Setters love to run, run, and run, eat, then run and run some more. Molly has not been an easy dog to keep. We got her from the hunter that raised them. She is 2 years old and small for her breed. We took her to our vet for her shots and blood tests, only to find out she had heart worms. We started her on heartworm preventative and 6 weeks of antibiotics. Our free dog was getting expensive. She was turning out to have more energy than us and our other two dogs wanted nothing to do with her. We tried to give her away, no one wanted her. Over a month ago we got her spayed and ran another heart worm test to double check. This test came back negative for heart worms. The people there said she may have had one female worm that has now died. The female worm hormone gives the positive test. So everything seemed to be getting better. Than 3 weeks ago Molly has a seizure. Rushed her to the vet and had more tests run. They found nothing abnormal. She has had two other seizures that we know of and maybe 2 others before the first one we saw. She is now a very expensive dog. Molly has not had a seizure in over a week so I am not putting her on seizure medication unless I see them happen more frequent. She didn't have them the first 2 months we had her so I am going to wait and see what happens next.