I know what you mean, I used them as annuals at first cause I was intimidate by the work involved in winterizing them, but then I researched the subject further and learned I didn't have to go through that long process I could just dig them out, shake some of the soil off and box them in beddinghad them for a few years, got tired of them, gave them away. not one to lift and store things. has to stay in the ground all winter.
But don't you still have to dig them up to keep them contained?That's too bad! We are fortunate that we live in an area that we can leave things in the ground. I wouldn't do it if I had to dig them up either, lots of work!
Cannas are not the only plants I winterize, I also have several kinds of Dahlias, and every Spring I give away hundreds of plants sometime to people I don't even know (friends of friends) Why I do it? Because 1) I'm a giver, and 2) I like the idea of colorful gardens everywhere...my way of helping natureYes, and each year when I lifted them, they made more babies etc. So it was, in the spring, where do I put them all. @vette-kid . just too much work with everything else. I gave them to another gardener who is happy with them.