You're most welcome sparkles and there are benefits to being older like we can relax because the young uns don't take us too seriously.
Sorry though to learn you've got problems and I'm sure you'll find members here very supportive so do as I do and just ramble on. Please be aware though that I've only been a forum member since September and already I'm over 450 posts so I must be sad spending so much time at the keyboard but then I did say this forum is addictive.
Thanks alp; yes you've got me well sussed out.
This forum is the bee's knees MaryMary when it comes to asking gardening questions however basic the questions are; I've already learned a lot from you members more knowledgeable than I; when I ask a question I take every reply seriously because I'm aware members spend time doing their best to help each other.
You've just reminded me sparkles; I need my hair cutting at the back because it's starting to tickle my neck; if I start to go blind then it's the front needing cutting and if I start to go deaf it's the sides need cutting; I let my lovely Bron attack it with kitchen scissors because I'm a tight Yorkshireman who hasn't been to see a barber for the last 41 years. They do say the difference between a bad or good haircut is two weeks. I'm definitely looking like an hippie at the moment.
Will I be able to attack the garden tomorrow MaryMary; the forecast is poor as usual but as you and alp rightly say I'm definitely enthusiastic; I drive our Skoda Yeti and if it becomes much colder I'll end up looking like a Yeti whilst in the garden?
Kind regards, Colin.