A wild white rose for me. These roses very rarely someone can plant in the garden. They bloom once a year with fragrant flowers. But they form dense thickets.
When I was 6, my parents worked, and I lived with my grandmother in a country house. This rose grew near the railway, far from us. I was so fascinated by her! But my grandmother could not go there with me often. I went alone (when my grandmother did not see).
Grandma's big dog always came with me. But when we left the village, other dogs joined us. And I always walked in the center of a pack of dogs. Of course, the neighbors saw this.
Local old woman baptized foreheads and predicted that the dog will tear me. They complained to my grandmother, and she scolded me. But I ran away again. Then grandmother took a shovel and planted a bush near our home for me.
Then my parents bought a house and the rose went with us.
Now I have my country house. And the descendant of this rose grows in my yard.

Memory of my childhood and grandmother.