Yes, Perki. I must be a bit more careful. I think I must have overworked for the past 3 days and gee, today has been another killer. Just had a shower and still haven't finished getting rid of the woodchips. Now that the woodchip boards are removed (They are rather thick and can cut you), there are some cracks and one let in very cold air. Tomorrow I am going to view a house with 4 bedroom with the kitchen under polycarbinate panel roof! How weird! But for that money for a detached house, I need to have a look. But the garden is only 70 feet.
Perki - have a go and when they are really interested in hiring you, you can think about it. Perhaps they can let you off one or two slack days. Shame not to put your feet in the door. Try it for a while. I like my posh gc, but when viewing a house, the lady owner said that nursery worked her husband to the bone and he lost quite a few stones. I hope you apply for it and find out more about it.
Talking about a job in a gc! Ex's cousin moved to Wales and whilst shopping in a gc, one lady asked for advice and his cousin offered advice. On the spot, she was offered a job. When she moved, she had a whole lorry load of orchids! I bet that was an orchid question! LOL!
Boy, I'm soooo tired - standing on a ladder the whole day. I'm afraid it's groundhog day again!
Glenda Gloss
Monkey Puzzle tree spotting new and healthy growths
Osteospermum thinking it was summer
This one is full of pollen. I will hand-pollinate them on Wednesday!