I cannot justify the cost of PRESTO until I'm certain that both my wife and I will use home-canned produce.
So, whilst I recognise that one is not what I want, and I thank you for your time and effort, I've had to compromise.
Since we could use a new pressure cooker anyway, what I've done is buy a ten litre (~10qt) pressure cooker, which is far bigger than we'd normally have, but will allow small-scale canning at first.
This is the one I've bought:
Will take 3, and may take 4 x 1l (1qt) jars, which I'll be happy with, at least at first.
Now those jars...
Can I use silicon seal flip-top jars, or are this type the only ones usable?
The reason I ask is because I already have a number of Kilner flip-top jars for conventional pickling/preserving.
Since I'm already being a cheeky bugger by imposing on you so much, may I ask one more question? What is the expected shelf life, at room temp. of pressure canned produce?